Job Bench ca1693 and wife Mary Mann ca 1693


The family of Job Bench ca1693 and wife Mary Mann ca1693

By admin , 23 August, 2024

Job Bench was baptised in Southam Parish, Warwickshire County, England on 25 April 1693.

I have seen several entries in other online records that list his name erroneously as Jebthe Bench.  The entry is a little difficult to read, because the word  "Job" and the word "the" run very close to each other.  The "o" is mistaken for an "e", hence many folks listed him as Jebthe Bench, instead of Job Bench.  If you look at all entries above and below Job's, you clearly see the clerk/scribe using the word "the" after each persons first name.  If you increase the size of the .pdf, you can also see the "o" vice "e".

Attached is Job's 1693 Southam parish baptism record.
